
Isabel Fink’s Minnesota license number is #4520 verify here.

Client Bill of Rights

A therapist must display prominently on the premises of the professional practice or make
available as a handout the bill of rights of clients, including a statement that consumers of
marriage and family therapy services offered by marriage and family therapists licensed by
the state of Minnesota have the right:

  1. to expect that a therapist has met the minimal qualifications of education, training, and
    experience required by state law;

  2. to examine public records maintained by the Board of Marriage and Family Therapy that
    contain the credentials of a therapist;

  3. to report complaints to the Board of Marriage and Family Therapy;

  4. to be informed of the cost of professional services before receiving the services;

  5. to privacy as defined and limited by rule and law;

  6. to be free from being the object of unlawful discrimination while receiving services;

  7. to have access to their records as provided in Minnesota Statutes, sections 144.291
    to 144.298, except as otherwise provided by law or prior written agreement;

  8. and to be free from exploitation for the benefit or advantage of a therapist.

You can review Minnesota’s Code of Ethics and statutes here.