Our Services
At Rooted and Rising, my goal is to provide you a sacred space to explore your thoughts, feelings, and emotions freely and genuinely. I am honored to join you in your exploration and discovery of your truest self.
Indvidual Therapy
Utilize one-on-one talk therapy with a licensed therapist to freely explore your world. Individual therapy allows you the space to learn more about yourself and challenge narratives that don’t sit right with you.
Relational Therapy
Relational therapy can be utilized by a pair of individuals who desire deep connection, better communication, and increased shared experiences with one another. It can be used to address a specific concern or to improve the quality of the relationship.
Family Therapy
Family therapy can provide you and your loved ones the space to navigate difficult situations, improve communication, and find healing together. Family therapy can also include co-parenting support for separated and blended families.

“I want you to get excited about who you are, what you are, what you have, and what can still be for you. I want to inspire you to see that you can go far beyond where you are right now.”
-Virginia Satir